Nov 19, 2010

HP:Deathly Hallows Part 1 One of the Best

This is just a personal review.
Am I a DIE HARD fan of Harry Potter?No.No.That was a few years ago.I like everything; the movies, the books, the story, the characters, the actors,the game, the score, almost everything.Now I'm still lovin' it, enjoy the books and the movies, but not a die hard fan.

Okay, yesterday I finally got to watch it at my local cinema.This is my first time to watch a movie on the first day it released.Yeah, I'm so excited.Plus, it's Thursday.Not many people going to watch on that day.At least, at my local cinema.

The movie?I'm truly enjoyed.Not a dissapointment.They followed closely just like in the book.Except they added additional scenes.Those who already read the book you can get along with the movie but those who aren't, try to understand , don't get upset easily.My mother for example, didn't understand what is going on with the movie so I have to explain this and that.Cannot concentrate.

The trio.
I missed the early scene.My mother bought the ticket at the time the movie was running.She doesn't want to watch at night.Have to follow her.One special thing about the movie is set on  superb beautiful locations.Cannot explain.Go for yourself.

I didn't feel like it is 2 hours 20 minutes long.When Voldemort at the Dumbledore's tomb, I said "Oh,please,please jangan la sampai kat sini". Ok. I know it gonna ended like that but I really hope a little more longer.I mean come on, 24 chapter for 2 hours 20 min?

My recommended, go watch it.It's one of the best series yet.

:: Btw, books always better than the movies ;).
Next, Narnia!

p/s: I'm a die hard fan of Narnia.Childish am I?


Rina Rossoneri said...

haihh,dont know when i can go watch it..

Hayla said...

hmmm..ada masa nanti tengok la.tunggu dalam seminggu dua ni.

Anonymous said...

can't wait for no 2.

Hayla said...

me too!
still a few months away.