Jan 21, 2011

The Curse ~ Somewhat Similar to Mahsuri's Story

Tengah ade mood ni.Baru habis bace novel The Curse semalam.

Bagi gua, gua tak berapa puas hati dengan jalan ceritanya.

But still an interesting story.
It's all about the death of Madhuri (not Mahsuri), stepsister of Azreen.Madhuri found dead at the rubber plantation when a boy accidentally found her lifeless body lying on the ground with white blood on her clothes. Puan Normala, a village's gossipper thought they're all have been cursed.Azreen who still study in London takes her time off to her village in  Langkawi.When she returns, macam-macamlah berlaku.Orang matilah, penyakit, cuaca tak menentu.

Azreen befriend with The Old Lady, kononnya dia ni ahli sihir jahat yang sanggup bunuh suaminya dan jadikan mayat suami dalam masakan dia (blueeeerrrkkkk!).Tapi dia taklah sejahat yang orang kampung sangkakan.Memang pun dia bunuh, tu pun suami dia memang jahat.Tapi ni takde kena mengena dengan Madhuri.
Then, Mohd Asraf (hensem), a true friend of Azreen when they in secondary school, is secretly fall in love with Madhuri, and she falls for him too.But this is not an easy situation as Madhuri have been married to Haji Ghani, the head of village ( gua pelik kenapa kahwin dengan org berumur) as his second wife.
Love Triangle.

Punca inilah yang menyebabkan kematian Madhuri.
Sape yang bunuh?

Well, I cant tell much details, but uh, ok.
His stepfather.
More Correctly, Azreen's father.

He thought Madhuri was having a relationship with other man when he saw her at the rubber plantation.Well, she is, but she did tell the truth about her love (with Mohd Asraf).But that's not gonna help.Feeling with anger, he (accidentally?) slashed her with his parang, she fell, knocked on a cup of latex( which stained her clothes ).

Citer ni banyak flashback.Susah nak cari main point.
Ini yang menyebabkan gua lambat nak habiskan sebab gua baca dari kulit ke kulit,
gua nak menghayati dan paham betul2 punya.

Sekarang, memang gua busy sangat,
blogwalking pun tak dapat.

p/s bila baca balik post ni, sinopsis gua tunggang langgang. 


hans said...

best la ko dapat baca novel tu sampai habis
kalau aku terkial2 jer nak baca

Vote Hans Bernombor 10 Diruangan Komen

Hayla said...

takpe, bace perlahan2 dulu.
spm thn ni jugak ke?