Oct 7, 2010

Won't Be In Front of Laptop

Pergi ke tak pegi ke kena tetap pergi jugak!Terpaksa.Takde excuse.Nama pun dah masuk dalam senarai.Walau pown dengan hati yang berat, 3 hari tanpa di rumah, atau berada di depan laptop, I'm hoping kursus tu betul2 best dan membawa kenangan yang manis ;).Apa yang saya risau ialah kemudahan kat tempat tu.Tidur, kat dalam khemah.Nak mandi pulak?I'm hoping there's clean bathroom or else I don't want to bath! Pusat Pertanian Sg. Sudah.Rasa pelik jugak nama tempat tu.Anyway, this is my first time to go such an outdoor-activities-programme.Yeah.A bit janggal sikit.I'm gonna go by tomorrrow until Sunday.I still not packing the things, feel like I'm not ready.But I have to.Urgh!I dont know what else I could think beside this.

Today.I'm just finished HP 7 book!!!The ending- so much awesomeness.Now the movie is just a month ahead.But, but, but, I have to forget about this thing because the exam is in next two weeks and I'm still not prepared fully, honestly.There's still one more week left before the exams.Look.Times moves very faster than I can feel it.


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